2015 in review
Happy New Year! Most of us spend the late holiday season reflecting on the last year and dreaming for the new. The ProActive Centre had a big year of change in 2015, and we thought we'd share some of the highlights with you!
*Daniel Caterini, Physiotherapist joined the ProActive team in September and has been treating patients with chronic injuries, post-surgery and return-to-play rehabilitation
*Phil Rowland, RMT completed his 3 year term on the Disciplinary Committee of the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario
*Alexandra Farrow, RMT completed her certification in Hot Stone Therapy and is now offering this along with other therapies
*Christine joined Chrissy and Dez on the front desk, adding to our friendly team who make the Centre run so smoothly
*We switched to organics recycling for our treatment rooms; reducing the overall waste of the Centre by up to 75% by volume!
*Dr. Scott Macpherson won the Niagara Business Link 40 under 40 award in July
*Dr. Taia Spencer-Yap was selected to be a Volunteer Medical Practitioner for the PanAm Games
*The ProActive Team volunteered at the Rankin Run in May and hosted a Community Care day in November, the 7th year participating in each charity event
*Therapy Ball (Yoga Tune-Up self-massage) courses are now being offered through the Training Centre... with 2 sold-out courses held this past fall. Next workshop is Thursday January 21st at 7pm!
*We've added more treatment rooms & new tables to the clinic, offering more times for treatment with your favourite chiropractor or therapist! The Training Centre has new equipment & weights - lots of room for classes in the New Year!
*Dr Taia & Dr Scott were nominated by their peers for the Niagara Entrepreneur of the Year Awards in November
Thank you to all our wonderful patients and participants who choose us to guide them in making healthy lifestyle improvements. 2016 is a fresh start, and possibly time to make a new class part of your routine, or to schedule treatment for an injury that holds you back. We wish you all a healthy, successful start to the New Year!