This May, as every year, we will again be volunteering our time at the Rankin Cancer Run. This is Niagara's annual charity event, where all funds raised are given back to the Niagara Region. 2015 is the 10th anniversary of the Run; to date it has raised over $4.6M. Last year drew over 12000 participants to the Grantham Lion's Club park near Lock 1, where racers could walk or run either 1 or 5km.
The ProActive Team volunteers their time at the race, offering complementary massage treatments to all participants. We typically see hundreds of people the morning of the race; people who are there raising funds for friends or family members who are battling cancer. We are lucky to be able to help in some small way with this extraordinary event and fantastic cause. Mark your calendars: Saturday May 23, 2015
For more info, including data on where the money goes, check out the website
Warmer weather is finally approaching, and golfers both recreational and competitive are ready to head out to the courses. Is there anything that may limit you from starting your season off right?
Spinal flexibility, as well as full range of motion in hips, knees and shoulders, will maximize your game potential this season. Low back pain, however, may be a problem that limits your ability to play. Twisted postures, the torque of the swing and forgetting to warm up can lead to unnecessary injuries.
Here are a few easy stretches to warm up and prevent injury:
Thank you to the Ontario Chiropractic Association for their information on the subject of stretches for golfers
The first Tuesday of March, 2015 the ProActive Centre hosted Holistic Nutritionist and Chef Laura Discepola from Fit to Eat, who came to speak to our group about eating nutritiously on a limited time-budget! It was a fun, interactive session with samples and snacks for all to try, and lots of Q&A time. Her main message: preparation is key. When cooking chicken breasts, cook 8 not 2, and store or freeze the unused portions. Make a large salad that can be portioned off for snacks and meals all week. Prepare meal/snack combos in reuseable containers, but make them 3-5 at a time, not just one. She also explained how our freezer is our friend, and that almost anything once cooked can be frozen for future quick meals. Thank you Laura, we look forward to your next visit!
The human body is a complex machine. It has many requirements: proper diet, exercise, care of our muscles, joints & organs, proper sleep and mental health. The body has the capacity to heal itself, but that ability is limited by our choices. It behooves us to learn what is good and what is bad for our bodies, so we can maximize it's potential for regeneration and healing. Our focus, at the ProActive Centre, is to help you with the physical requirements for health, including nutrition & injury management. Our favourite quote, by Thomas Edison: "The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease"